What is Coaching?
Coaching is a useful way of developing people’s skills and abilities, and of boosting performance. It can also help deal with issues and challenges before they become major problems. Coaching is about change and action. The core purpose of coaching is to increase self-awareness, to make choices explicit, and to close the gap between potential and how things are currently. While therapy is reparative in nature, coaching has a developmental focus. We look at how the ‘there and then’ may be impacting on the ‘here and now’, but it is not primarily focused on understanding the past or overcoming traumatic events. Coaching can also be more directive and less neutral than some forms of therapy.
We currently offer two kinds of coaching:
- Mental Wellbeing Coaching. Which focuses on common mental health difficulties such as anxiety and low mood.
- Executive Function Coaching. This may otherwise be known as ADHD coaching but can also help people without a diagnosis of ADHD who may struggle with Executive Functions.
What are Executive Functions?
- Response Inhibition
- Working Memory
- Emotional Control
- Flexibility
- Sustained Attention
- Task Initiation
- Planning and Prioritisation
- Organisation
- Time Management
- Goal Directed Persistence
- Meta-Cognition
What is Coaching?
Coaching is a useful way of developing people’s skills and abilities and boosting performance. It can also help deal with issues and challenges before they become major problems. We currently offer two kinds of coaching.
- Mental Wellbeing Coaching, which focused on common mental health difficulties such as low mood or anxiety.
- Executive Function Coaching. This may otherwise be known as ADHD coaching but can also help people without a diagnosis of ADHD who may struggle with Executive Functions.
Coaching is about change and action. The core purpose of coaching is to increase self-awareness, to make choices explicit, and to close the gap between potential and how things are currently. While therapy can be reparative in nature, coaching has a developmental focus. We look at how the ‘there and then’ may be impacting on the ‘here and now’, but it is not primarily focused on understanding the past or overcoming traumatic events. Coaching can also be more directive and less neutral than some forms of therapy.
What are Executive Functions?
- Response Inhibition
- Working Memory
- Emotional Control
- Flexibility
- Sustained Attention
- Task Initiation
- Planning and Prioritisation
- Organisation
- Time Management
- Goal Directed Persistence
- Meta-Cognition
Coaching Sessions Available
Our Mental Wellbeing coaching services focus on enhancing your emotional, psychological, and social health through personalized strategies and support.
We offer Executive Function Coaching. This may otherwise be known as ADHD coaching but can also help people without a diagnosis of ADHD who may struggle with Executive Functions.
Coaching Sessions Available

Our Mental Wellbeing coaching services focus on enhancing your emotional, psychological, and social health through personalized strategies and support.

We offer Executive Function Coaching. This may otherwise be known as ADHD coaching but can also help people without a diagnosis of ADHD who may struggle with Executive Functions.
Do You Have a

How can coaching help?
Coaching can help you to think more clearly and more effectively. It helps you to become fully aware of the options, the choices that are available to you. It enables you to work out what you actually want, where you want to be and how you’re going to get there.
Coaching sessions
Coaching sessions are held at an agreed time in an agreed place, providing a safe space which is private and undisturbed. They will not take place in cafes, hotel lobbies or any place where we can be overheard, recognised or interrupted by family, friends, colleagues or strangers. Sessions are usually regular and will be weekly or fortnightly.
How many sessions will you need?
Talking about your issues can take time and you won’t cover it all in a single session. We will start of with an assessment where we will discuss what has brought you to coaching, what differences you would like to see and agree on an initial number of sessions. This is typically six sessions with a review at session three. A Executive Function Coaching session generally lasts 30 minutes so you and your coach can maintain energy and focus. If you feel you would like longer, please book 2 sessions together. A Mental Wellbeing Coaching session generally lasts a 60 minutes, if you feel you would like a shorter session, we do offer an 30 minutes session,
What are the charges and how do you pay?
Costs for Executive Function Coaching are £40 for a 30 minute session or £80 for a 60 minute session and can be paid on booking through this website. If you have concerns around payment, please contact Laura on laura@aislingpsychotherapies.com to discuss other options. Cost for Mental Wellbeing Coaching are £20 for a 30 minute session or £35 for 60 minute session and can be paid on booking through this website. If you have concerns around payments, please contact Surinder on Surinder@aislingpsychotherapies.com to discuss other options. *Prices are subject to change – please confirm before booking.
How do I make a complaint?
I recognise that at times things can and do go wrong. I believe that it is in everyone’s best interest to resolve complaints and concerns at the earliest possible stage. I am accredited by Connections In Mind and if there are any difficulties or concerns about my practice, please contact me first to discuss. If you are still not satisfied, you can download my Complaints Procedure here.
What happens in coaching?
The first coaching session is typically an in-depth, 1–2 hour meeting to allow clients to reflect on their satisfaction in all areas of life and to develop clear, long-term goals to guide future coaching sessions. Executive Function Coaching sessions will last 30 minutes for children and young people and 45 minutes for adults. Mental Wellbeing Coaching session can be booked in 30 minutes or 60 minutes slots. Sessions are used to report progress on the previous week’s goals, reflect on factors enhancing and inhibiting progress and develop a step-by-step plan for identifying and achieving the next week’s goals.
Is it confidential?
Your coach will listen to you in confidence and will not talk to anyone else about you or gossip about what you say. Protecting a client’s confidentiality and privacy is essential for building trust. Disclosures However, there are certain circumstances – for example if there’s a serious risk of imminent harm to you or to others – when they may have to break your confidence. For example, if a client is seriously mentally ill and needs hospitalisation, or if the coach suspects child or older person abuse, they may refer the client to a GP, social services or the police. Such referrals are usually made with the client’s knowledge and consent but may not be, depending upon circumstances. You should discuss confidentiality in your first session with your coach and agree on the limits of confidentiality for your work together.
What is your cancellation policy?
Please give 48 hours notice for a cancellation. A full refund will be given if cancelled within these timescales.
How do I get the most out of your coaching sessions?
You can get the best results from therapy by:
- being open
- saying how you are really feeling
- giving your coach honest feedback on how you are experiencing the coaching
- being motivated to change